Saturday, December 19, 2015

MetroSonic Spotlight: Michael Stosic

Hailing from Reno, Nevada, Singer-Songwriter Michael Stosic is on the verge of another musical breakthrough with his upcoming album! The album, Welcome Home, will be comprised of some of his most emotionally charged lyrics and has a release date of early 2016.

Stosic’s musical career began back in 1986 in the Gospel music world when he recorded his first Contemporary Christian album titled “Brand New Love”, which became an instant hit with listeners on the West Coast due to play from Spirit 105.3FM KCMS Radio. Soon after the release of his debut album, Stosic’s second album “Symphony of Praise” reached listeners all across America and 118 other countries including Communist China. The success and response to Michael Stosic’s songs in the Christian music world became evident to him after the release of his third studio album “Psalms of the Heart” in 1992, where he started receiving letters and phone calls from fans across America who gave him praise for his music.